Tuesday 27 May 2014


Quilotoa is a teenyweeny village out in the sticks, visited for the sole purpose of seeing its stunning Volcanic crater lake. We got there on a miserable day with pretty much no visibility and so decided to stay a night in the hope of sunshine the next day. The village was barren, literally nowhere to buy fresh food to cook and the only houses that were there doubled up as hostals in order to make some much needed money from tourists. This was optimistic, the place was deserted but hopefully only due to it not being a busy season. We chose to stay in one owned by a lovely family who als offered to cook our meals in with the price. As the altutude here was so brutal, it was freezing at night and so our room had a wood burner and extra thick blankets; it gave us such nostalgia for british winter time. The next day was the clear sunny one we'd been hoping for and we viewed the crater in all of its majesty. It was one of the most beautiful sights we had seen on the whole trip. Perfect tranquil turquioise water filled a gnarly open topped Volcano, which was still active, and reflected the fluffy white clouds from above. It was a true Paradise. The people of this place were also a sight to behold, every single one of them coforming to the tradition dress - the Women with one singular plait at the back and a smart trilby which matched their velvet skirts and knee high socks, the men in similar trilby's, ponytails and ponchos.

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