Wednesday 12 February 2014

Ariquipa & The Colca Canyon.

Set to the backdrop of four huge volcano's, the most infamous being 'volcano misti' which looms over the city's whitestone colonial buildings Ariquipa makes for an asthaetically pleasing location. After being pretty much robbed by a slimy taxi driver we were unsure of the vibes but we soon settled into a lovely hostal with an amazing view and decided we liked it after all. From here we visited the Colca Canyon, bigger than the grand canyon only less famous. It was unbelievably huge and beautiful, on the same level as Machu Picchu only without the ruins. The most incredible element however was the fact that there were condors, as wide as 8 feet and 1 metre tall flying all around us. They swooped elegantly in huge loops gliding effortlessly on the wind and coming right up close to us stunned tourists, projecting an otherwordly presence. It was like being back in the days when dinasaours existed, they were as big as terrordactils. The condor is held in such high esteem here and is seen as a sacred animal. They live as long as humans and only have one partner which they stay with for their whole lives.

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